A girl on a mountain in a yoga position.

How to Recover From Burnout and Regain Control of Your Life

Burnout can be defined as the body’s response to prolonged stressors. Factors such as personality types and other mental conditions play a significant role in the occurrence of burnout. For people who are struggling with this problem, knowing how to recover from burnout can be a valuable skill. Let’s dive deeper into the concept of burnout and discover some powerful strategies to overcome it.

What Is Burnout?

Burnout is a complex psychological phenomenon characterized by emotional, mental, and physical exhaustion resulting from chronic, prolonged stress and overwork. It often manifests itself in individuals who experience high levels of stress at work, although it can also occur in other domains of life. Burnout typically involves a feeling of detachment or cynicism towards one’s work, coupled with a reduced sense of personal accomplishment. This triad of symptoms is often referred to as the Maslach Burnout Inventory,” a widely used assessment tool for measuring burnout.

This syndrome is associated with prolonged exposure to stressors, such as heavy workloads, unrealistic job demands, and a lack of autonomy in tasks. Over time, the stress response, mediated by the sympathetic nervous system, becomes chronically activated. That leads to emotional exhaustion, cognitive dysfunction, impaired concentration, memory, and decision-making abilities. 

Burnout Symptoms

Burnout symptoms include a range of psychological, emotional, and physical symptoms. According to the Maslach Burnout Inventory, they can be classified into three main categories: emotional exhaustion, depersonalization, and reduced personal accomplishment.

  1. Emotional exhaustion: This core symptom of burnout involves an overwhelming sense of emotional depletion, leading to fatigue, irritability, and a decreased ability to cope with stress. 
  2. Depersonalization: Individuals develop a negative and detached attitude towards their work, colleagues, or responsibilities. This manifests as increased cynicism, sarcasm, and a sense of detachment from the people they interact with. Depersonalization can deteriorate interpersonal relationships.
  3. Reduced personal accomplishment: Burnout often leads to a diminished sense of personal achievement and efficacy. Individuals experience a decline in confidence and self-worth and a feeling of ineffectiveness in their professional or personal lives.

How to Recover From Burnout: Necessary Steps

Recovering from burnout can be a pretty challenging task. The good news is that every person can recover from burnout successfully! If you are experiencing burnout, here are the steps you shouldn’t skip:

1. Admit That You Have the Problem     

Accepting that you are experiencing burnout is the first step in the recovery process. This recognition represents self-awareness, a crucial component of good emotional regulation and problem-solving skills. By admitting your problems, you open the door to seeking support, implementing coping strategies, and accepting the necessary lifestyle changes. This acknowledgement can reduce the negative impact of denial and self-blame. It allows you to cope with the root causes of burnout, set boundaries, and implement other self-care methods effectively. 

2. Avoid Burnout Triggers as Much as Possible

Avoiding burnout triggers is a fundamental aspect of your recovery from burnout, as it involves the identification and management of stressors that have contributed to this condition. Recognizing and avoiding the specific stressors that have led to burnout, such as excessive workload or lack of work-life balance, helps you regain control over your psychological health

3. Talk to Your Friend or a Family Member

Every human being needs emotional support. There is nothing wrong with being open and asking for help. Sharing your experiences, thoughts, and feelings with someone you trust enhances your sense of belonging and connectedness. It can also give you valuable insights into your situation and help you solve the problem. Meaningful social interactions provide a sense of safety and trust, which is an integral part of burnout recovery.

4. Practice Setting Boundaries

Saying no without feeling badly is a critical aspect of burnout recovery. This practice implies an assertive way of reacting, which is a key to successful communication with others. By establishing clear boundaries, you define limits on your time, energy, and commitments and thereby reduce the risk of overloading yourself. This empowers you to balance your personal and professional life and regain a sense of control. Other than that, setting boundaries allows you to protect your limited mental and emotional resources. By learning how to say no without guilt, you can effectively manage your workload and relationships.

5. Write Down Stressful Situations

By writing and analyzing your experiences, emotions, and reactions to stressors, you can identify patterns in your responses. This activity not only enhances self-awareness but also provides an opportunity to reevaluate and reframe your reactions to stress. Through this self-analysis, you can pinpoint repetitive triggers and develop healthier strategies to cope with them.

6. Try Stress Control Strategies

Stress control strategies are crucial for recovery from burnout because they directly address the physiological components of burnout. When you engage in activities like yoga and meditation, you activate the parasympathetic nervous system. It counteracts the stress responses caused by activation of the sympathetic nervous system. This physiological shift lowers heart rate, blood pressure, and muscle tension, leading to a sense of relaxation. 

Except for yoga and meditation, there are various other effective strategies you can consider, including:

  • Deep breathing
  • Progressive muscle relaxation
  • Visualization
  • Biofeedback
  • Rhythmic breathing

There is no general rule when it comes to choosing a relaxation technique. Select the technique that works best for you and that you find most enjoyable.

7. Do Exercises That You Like

Exercise is a hormetic stressor that contributes to burnout recovery on several levels:

  • Stimulating the release of endorphins, hormones that are natural mood lifters;
  • Reducing the levels of stress hormones, cortisol and adrenaline;
  • Better sleep patterns, which is crucial for cognitive functioning and emotional regulation;
  • Increasing confidence, a vital factor in combating the reduced sense of personal accomplishment associated with burnout.

8. Eat Healthy Food

A healthy diet is the cornerstone of burnout recovery. Antioxidant-rich foods have the potential to significantly impact your emotional health. Several foods are particularly powerful in this regard:

  • Proteins: Foods like white and red meat provide essential amino acids necessary for neurotransmitter synthesis, which enhance emotional and cognitive stability.
  • Fatty fish: Fish like salmon, mackerel, and sardines, rich in omega-3 fatty acids, can reduce stress hormone levels and improve cognitive function.
  • Leafy greens: Spinach and kale are high in folate (B9 vitamin), linked to improved mood and cognitive function. They are also a good source of quercetin.
  • Grapes: Grapes contain resveratrol, a polyphenol that supports brain health and reduces the effects of chronic stress and inflammation.
  • Nuts and seeds: Almonds, walnuts, and flax seeds provide healthy fats and antioxidants that support brain health.
  • Probiotics: Yogurt and kefir balance gut flora, which is associated with mental health.

9. Restore Your Circadian Rhythm

Adequate and restorative sleep is crucial for emotional regulation and cognitive function. During sleep, your brain processes information, which enables better emotional resilience. Optimizing the quality of your sleep requires fixing your circadian rhythm. A disrupted circadian rhythm is often a consequence of prolonged stress and burnout. By adhering to a consistent sleep schedule, you can realign your circadian rhythm and improve the quality of your sleep.

10. Consider Professional Help

If you’ve tried all the methods above and can’t recover from burnout, it’s time to turn to an expert. In the case of burnout, cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is considered the most effective approach. A therapist can help you overcome the current problem but also assist you in solving other problems, such as depression and anxiety. CBT therapy is conducted one-on-one or in groups. The point is to restructure maladaptive thought patterns and behaviors and improve emotional regulation.

To Conclude

When we find ourselves buried under an avalanche of obligations and trapped in unfulfilling activities, the result is a gradual buildup of dissatisfaction. The overwhelming demands of work and family can easily push us to the brink of burnout. It is crucial to prioritize self-care and make time for activities that bring us joy, whether it is a hobby, volunteer work, or simply walking in nature. It is essential to focus on activities that truly bring us pleasure. And if we find ourselves devoid of any pleasure, it becomes imperative to think about the purpose of our existence and the meaning of life itself.


Frequently Asked Questions


How long does it take to recover from burnout?

The duration of burnout recovery varies from person to person. It depends on factors such as the intensity of burnout, the support system, and the effectiveness of coping strategies. It can take weeks to several months, and sometimes longer, for complete recovery. Seeking professional help and implementing self-care practices can expedite the process. It’s important to be patient and prioritize your needs and health throughout the recovery phase.


Can you fully recover from burnout?

Yes, it is possible to fully recover from burnout with the right interventions and support. Professional help, self-care practices, and a supportive social network are important factors in the recovery process. However, in some cases, burnout may leave lasting effects. Do not refrain from seeking help and taking the necessary steps to increase the likelihood of a complete recovery.


How do I know if I’m burned out?

Recognizing burnout involves paying attention to a combination of physical, emotional, and behavioral signs. Here are some common indicators:

  1. Physical symptoms: Persistent fatigue, headaches, sleep disturbances, and changes in appetite are signs of burnout.
  2. Emotional signs: Increased irritability, mood swings, feelings of helplessness or hopelessness, and a reduced sense of accomplishment in your work or daily life.
  3. Cognitive symptoms: Difficulty concentrating, memory problems, and reduced productivity.
  4. Behavioral changes: Withdrawal from social activities, isolation, neglect of self-care, and increased use of alcohol or caffeine.
  5. Reduced work performance: A decline in performance, frequent errors, and an overall lack of enthusiasm for your job or tasks.

A combination of these signs may indicate burnout, so you should start working on solving it as soon as possible.