All Your Body
Needs to Know.
VANA Smart Liquid™ is a premium, UK-made liquid food supplement that consists of two separate formulas: AM and PM. When combined, they provide your body with 1,000 mg of polyphenols, delivering essential nutrients throughout the day and night.

Industry-Leading Research


Clinically Tested Ingredients

Scientifically Backed

Sustainable Practices

Customer Satisfaction

The Masterpiece
of Nature.

Polyphenols can do so much for your wellbeing. These wonderful compounds form the foundation of both VANA AM and PM formulas. Discover the benefits of polyphenols and how they can positively transform your body and mind.

Benefits AM

Day food supplement formula
Fluid balance
VANA AM is designed to deliver your daily dose of polyphenols, empowering your vitality. Make a difference in your daily routine.

Benefits PM

Night food supplement formula
As you rest, the polyphenols in VANA PM formula enhance your nightly well-being. Conclude your day with a self-care gesture.

transformationwith VANA supplement

1 week
2 weeks
1 month
3 months
6 months
Body cleansing, improved energy, better sleep patterns and possible increase in bowel movements with detoxification from heavy metals for quicker recovery from daily activities.
Possible significant boost in mental clarity, immunity against flu and colds, and energy levels, along with improved sleep quality, full rest, and detox from heavy metals, resulting in increased energy the next day.
May help heightened focus, reduced anxiety, and visibly radiant skin, coupled with consistently improved sleep quality, full rest, and detoxification from heavy metals, leading to increased energy levels.
It may improve overall well-being, with possible remarkable increase in night-time health.
Possible significant reduction in body oxidative stress and optimized liver lipid metabolism balance.
Research-Based Approach.
Natural Taste.
Red Beetroot
Tart Cherry
Lemon Balm
Lions Mane
Our scientists have dedicated the past 20 years to exploring nature's offerings and identifying how to extract the maximum levels of polyphenols for an optimal holistic approach.

Voices of Gratitude

We hope that your positive story about VANA will be broadcasted soon.
Milos Raonic, Professional Tennis player

I am constantly tuning, nurturing, and improving my body, all the while maintaining a hectic schedule of travel, training, competition, and life. VANA has helped me improve my immune system; healthier, and ready to succeed!

Stefan Savic, Atletico Madrid FC

The VANA system formulas has definitely improved my performance and overall day-to-day activity. VANA has taken me to a whole new level in terms of my energy and focus.

Sebastian Pearson, Strength and Conditioning rugby coach team Canada

VANA is a gaming changing product that provides the next level for developing a healthy lifestyle and body. Since using it for about a month, I’m sleeping way better, especially while travelling when I suffer from jet lag.

Carla Pereyra Paterno

Excited about VANA's sleek packaging, it brought balance to my day and improved my skin in a month, reducing cellulite and making it firmer. Highly recommend with no complaints!

Filip Djukic, Professional football player

VANA has truly made a difference! Not only do I have more energy and a better sleep, but I also recover much faster after each game. Happy to have discovered this product, and highly recommend it! Not just for athletes, but for everyone who needs a better sleep, more energy and wants to perform better in their lives.

María Del Pilar Rubio

Trying VANA was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. After two months, my sleep schedule is amazing, my nights are restful and my days are full of energy. My skin looks better than ever, it’s much tighter and so smooth.

Stefan Cebara, Professional Football Player

VANA, a crucial daily supplement, elevates my energy and enhances my mood, contributing to peak performance and improved overall well-being.

Javier Parada, Bio Drip Spain

VANA is a vital and convenient nutritional supplement. After three months, I've noticed a substantial boost in morning energy and improved sleep quality. With its excellent taste and quality, I highly recommend VANA to everyone.

Jermaine Haley, Basketball Player

VANA has significantly improved my recovery as a professional athlete, reducing soreness and speeding up the process for more intense training. I highly recommend VANA formula for enhanced workout recovery and sustained energy.

Paul Fisher, Fashion Manager

Vana transformed my health in 30 days, showing miraculous improvements. Committed for life thanks to the amazing Vana team! If you have PSA or inflammation issues, start Vana immediately - it's a life changer!

Irene Demanaki, Yoga Master

After 20 days of taking VANA, I feel more energetic. I am less tired and feel more rested. I am experiencing faster and better muscle recovery. My skin texture is improving!

James Rodríguez, Professional Football Player

After a month with VANA, I've seen incredible changes. As a pro athlete, it enhances my rest for better sleep, improving recovery and readiness for competition. I highly recommend VANA for those aiming to elevate their game.

Coby Phillips

VANA is my favorite wellness product, delivering exceptional benefits. It lowered my blood pressure, accelerated post-workout recovery, and provided game-changing energy and clarity. I'm committed to taking VANA for life.

Elias Ergas, Rugby Player

As a national-level athlete, VANA enhances my training with beneficial polyphenols and antioxidants, accelerating muscle recovery. It provides a crash-free energy boost, worth every penny for a happier, healthier life. Highly recommend investing in VANA.

Ana Antic, Celebrity Stylist

Using VANA for three months, I can't go back! Incredible sleep and sustained energy. Skin is smoother and firmer, cellulite notably decreased, especially on my thighs.

Alvaro Nūnez, CEO

Love VANA! Monthly unboxing joy with great packaging. After months, it boosts my energy, improves sleep and focus without coffee's side effects. Highly recommended!

Introducing VANA Health Tracker Your
is AI-supported
Our team of scientists has developed an AI-driven app to provide you with the best possible insights into your wellness progress day by day. Download the app and start transforming your health now.
Vana bottles
Start with a Trial.
Upgrade to the
Whether your focus will be on your daytime or nighttime well-being, as well as the progress you make, is entirely up to you. VANA Essential Pack with AM, PM, or MIX formulas starts from £41.